Archbishop of Constantinople - A.D. 347 - 407
Traditionally read during the midnight celebration
of the Resurrection of Our Lord, God and Saviour
Jesus Christ
The Holy Pascha (Passover) of the Lord
of the Resurrection of Our Lord, God and Saviour
Jesus Christ
The Holy Pascha (Passover) of the Lord
If any man be devout and loveth God,
Let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast!
If any man be a wise servant,
Let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord.
If any have laboured long in fasting,
Let him how receive his recompense.
If any have wrought from the first hour,
Let him today receive his just reward.
If any have come at the third hour,
Let him with thankfulness keep the feast.
If any have arrived at the sixth hour,
Let him have no misgivings;
Because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore.
If any have delayed until the ninth hour,
Let him draw near, fearing nothing.
And if any have tarried even until the eleventh hour,
Let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness.
For the Lord, who is jealous of his honour,
Will accept the last even as the first.
He giveth rest unto him who cometh at the eleventh hour,
Even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour.
And He showeth mercy upon the last,
And careth for the first;
And to the one He giveth,
And upon the other He bestoweth gifts.
And He both accepteth the deeds,
And welcometh the intention,
And honoureth the acts and praises the offering.
Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord;
Receive your reward,
Both the first, and likewise the second.
You rich and poor together, hold high festival!
You sober and you heedless, honour the day!
Rejoice today, both you who have fasted
And you who have disregarded the fast.
The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously.
The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away.
Enjoy ye all the feast of faith:
Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness.
Let no one bewail his poverty,
For the universal Kingdom has been revealed.
Let no one weep for his iniquities,
For pardon has shown forth from the grave.
Let no one fear death,
For the Saviour's death has set us free.
He that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it.
By descending into Hell, He made Hell captive.
He embittered it when it tasted of His flesh.
And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry:
Hell, said he, was embittered
When it encountered Thee in the lower regions.
It was embittered, for it was abolished.
It was embittered, for it was mocked.
It was embittered, for it was slain.
It was embittered, for it was overthrown.
It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains.
It took a body, and met God face to face.
It took earth, and encountered Heaven.
It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is thy sting?
O Hell, where is thy victory?
Christ is risen, and thou art overthrown!
Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen!
Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen, and life reigns!
Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
For Christ, being risen from the dead,
Is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
To Him be glory and dominion
Unto ages of ages.
Let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast!
If any man be a wise servant,
Let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord.
If any have laboured long in fasting,
Let him how receive his recompense.
If any have wrought from the first hour,
Let him today receive his just reward.
If any have come at the third hour,
Let him with thankfulness keep the feast.
If any have arrived at the sixth hour,
Let him have no misgivings;
Because he shall in nowise be deprived therefore.
If any have delayed until the ninth hour,
Let him draw near, fearing nothing.
And if any have tarried even until the eleventh hour,
Let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness.
For the Lord, who is jealous of his honour,
Will accept the last even as the first.
He giveth rest unto him who cometh at the eleventh hour,
Even as unto him who hath wrought from the first hour.
And He showeth mercy upon the last,
And careth for the first;
And to the one He giveth,
And upon the other He bestoweth gifts.
And He both accepteth the deeds,
And welcometh the intention,
And honoureth the acts and praises the offering.
Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord;
Receive your reward,
Both the first, and likewise the second.
You rich and poor together, hold high festival!
You sober and you heedless, honour the day!
Rejoice today, both you who have fasted
And you who have disregarded the fast.
The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously.
The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away.
Enjoy ye all the feast of faith:
Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness.
Let no one bewail his poverty,
For the universal Kingdom has been revealed.
Let no one weep for his iniquities,
For pardon has shown forth from the grave.
Let no one fear death,
For the Saviour's death has set us free.
He that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it.
By descending into Hell, He made Hell captive.
He embittered it when it tasted of His flesh.
And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry:
Hell, said he, was embittered
When it encountered Thee in the lower regions.
It was embittered, for it was abolished.
It was embittered, for it was mocked.
It was embittered, for it was slain.
It was embittered, for it was overthrown.
It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains.
It took a body, and met God face to face.
It took earth, and encountered Heaven.
It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is thy sting?
O Hell, where is thy victory?
Christ is risen, and thou art overthrown!
Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen!
Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice!
Christ is risen, and life reigns!
Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
For Christ, being risen from the dead,
Is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep.
To Him be glory and dominion
Unto ages of ages.
Who is Saint John Chrysostom?

St. John “Chrysostom” which translated means “The Golden Mouthed”, was born at Antioch in the year 347 into the family of a military-commander, spent his early years studying under the finest philosophers and rhetoricians and was ordained a deacon in the year 381 by the bishop of Antioch Saint Meletios. In 386 St. John was ordained a presbyter by the bishop of Antioch, Flavian.
Over time, his fame as a holy preacher grew, and in the year 397 with the demise of Archbishop Nektarios of Constantinople - successor to Sainted Gregory the Theologian - Saint John Chrysostom was summoned from Antioch for to be the new Archbishop of Constantinople.
The saintly hierarch denounced the dissolute morals of people in the capital, especially at the imperial court, irrespective of person. The empress Eudoxia was not beyond his rebuke. Thus,
he was exiled in 404 and after a long illness because of the exile, he was transferred to Pitius on the Black Sea in Abkhazia. Worn out by sickness, the saint began his final journey under military
escort, traveling for three months in the rain and frost. He never arrived at his place of exile, for his strength failed him at Comana. There he received the Holy Eucharist, and said, "Glory to God for all things!" Thus, he fell asleep in the Lord on September 14, 407.
Over time, his fame as a holy preacher grew, and in the year 397 with the demise of Archbishop Nektarios of Constantinople - successor to Sainted Gregory the Theologian - Saint John Chrysostom was summoned from Antioch for to be the new Archbishop of Constantinople.
The saintly hierarch denounced the dissolute morals of people in the capital, especially at the imperial court, irrespective of person. The empress Eudoxia was not beyond his rebuke. Thus,
he was exiled in 404 and after a long illness because of the exile, he was transferred to Pitius on the Black Sea in Abkhazia. Worn out by sickness, the saint began his final journey under military
escort, traveling for three months in the rain and frost. He never arrived at his place of exile, for his strength failed him at Comana. There he received the Holy Eucharist, and said, "Glory to God for all things!" Thus, he fell asleep in the Lord on September 14, 407.
Concerning the exclamation:
The Paschal greeting is a custom among Orthodox Christians, consisting of a greeting and response. Instead of "hello" or its equivalent, one is to greet another person with "Christ is Risen!" The response is "Indeed, He is Risen!" (or "Truly, He is risen!"). This greeting is used during liturgical services and informally at other times, starting with the feast of Pascha and lasting until Ascension, the period known as Paschaltide.
In practice, this custom is usually restricted in use with people that one already knows are Orthodox. In some cultures (e.g., in Russia), it was also customary to exchange a triple kiss after the greeting. It is not uncommon for Orthodox Christians to compile lists of the greeting
as it is used around the world, as an act of Orthodox unity across languages and cultures.
Below there follows such a list. There are over 250 Languages here. On the left is the name of the Language and on the right is the transliteration and enunciation of both
In practice, this custom is usually restricted in use with people that one already knows are Orthodox. In some cultures (e.g., in Russia), it was also customary to exchange a triple kiss after the greeting. It is not uncommon for Orthodox Christians to compile lists of the greeting
as it is used around the world, as an act of Orthodox unity across languages and cultures.
Below there follows such a list. There are over 250 Languages here. On the left is the name of the Language and on the right is the transliteration and enunciation of both
Christ is Risen ; Truly He is Risen
Exapostilarion of the Resurrection - Tone 3Having slept in the flesh as a mortal, O King and Lord, Thou didst rise on the
third day. Thou didst raise up Adam from corruption and abolish death,
O Passover of incorruption, Salvation of the world!
Abenaki... Ksgmmena Sazos kizi bijiba ; ahalatta kizi wd' ijiba.
Acoli... Yéssou ocer ;Yéssou adada ocer.
Adangme... Christo tési ; ankwale Christo tési
Afar... Yaassous younouweh ; noummah younouweh.
Afrikaans... Christus het opgestaan ; hy het waarlik opgestaan.
Agni... Christ fi éwié nou fitéli ; sakpa ô fi éwié nou fitéli.
Akuapim... Kristo enyam ; yew nokware se wenyam.
Albanian... Krishti u ngjall ; vërtet u ngjall.
Aleut... Xris-Tuu-Sax Agla-Gi-Kux ; Aga-ngu-lakan Agla-Gi-Kux.
Algonquin... Christos ki apitcipa ; tebwe ki witamonom, (Christos) ki apitcipa.
Alsacian... Chrischtüs isch uferstànde ; wohrhàftig isch er uferstànde.
Alutiq... Ggristussaq Ungwirtuq ; Pi-Jii-nuq Ungwirtuq.
American Street... Yo Christ backaliveagain Ya Heback livin.
Amharic... Christos tenestwal ; ewnetem tenestwal.
Anglo-Saxon... Crist aras ; Crist sodhlice aras.
Arabic... Al'Masiah qam ; haqqan qam.
Arabic Juba... Yesuua gumu mini mutu ; huwa gumu hagiga.
Aramaic... Mchiha aka ; Aminjjate aka.
Armenian... Christos haryav i mérélotz ; orhnyal é haroutiounen Christossi
Aromanian... Hristolu unghia ; daleehira unghia.
Assamese... Khristo jee uthi hosakoi ; tyo jee uthilay.
Atikamekw... Ki apatcipaw Kristos ; tapwe, ki apatcipaw.
Attié... Christ otchôdjoula gninfon ; nan-houènin o gninfon.
Aymara... Cristu ja jakatatanjewa ; chekapuniwa jakatatanjewa.
Azerbaijani... Isa peygmbr yenid n dirildi ; bu bir hqiq tdir, o yenidvn dirildi.
Baluchi... Khudaae naaib padaa zindag biitaa ; be shak aa padaa zindag biitaa.
Bambara... Krista welila kabô siuw tchela ; thcièna ôkera.
Bamileke... Yeso Christo yam ; kwa'anene eh yam.
Baoulé... Christ fitéli vié nou ; sakpa ô fitéli nou.
Bari... Yesu a ngan i twan ; lopeng a ngan ?diri.
Basque... Piztu da Kristo ; egiaz piztu da.
Bassa... Yésus nimbalé ; ï nimbale, nimbalé.
Batak... Tuhan nunga hehe ; tutu do ibana hae hae.
Bengali... Crysto punuthito hoylo ; shotto è punuthito.
Berber... Lmasih yahye-d ger lmeytin ; stidet, yahye-d ger lmeytin.
Beti... Christ è glôgbeux ; dèdèdèdè ô glôgbeux.
Belarusian... Khrystos uvaskros ; saprawdy uvaskros.
Burmese... Phàya khin in in thá my n Pyi ; ho a P ' i in thá my n Pyi.
Boharic... Pikhirstof aftonf ; khen o methmi aftonf.
Bulu... Yésus Nkoté a wômoya ; bebela emiene a ne nwomane.
Breton... Savet eo ar C'hrist a varo da veo ; e gwirionez eo savet a varo da veo.
Bulgarian... Christos voskrese ; voistinou voskrese.
Bwamou... Krista vera ; la tuan a vera.
Cantonese... Gaydolk folkwoot leew ; tchan tek, ta folkwoot leew.
Carolinian... Lios a melau sefal ; ewar, a melau sefal.
Catalan... Crist ha ressuscitat ; en veritat ha ressuscitat.
Cebuano... Si Kristo nabanhaw ; nabanhaw siya gayud.
Chaldian... Qimleh Maran ; b'hakoutha qimleh.
Chamorro... La'la'i i Kristo ; megahet na luma'la'i Kristo.
Cherokee... Tsesa dolehisanahi ; oodoyuhi Tsesa dolehisanahi.
Chibemba... Kristu ashukuka ; cine cine ashukuka.
Chichewa... Ambuye Jesu anauka ; anauka ndithu.
Chin... Khrih cu tho aohi ; hizuh hi thozohi.
Chio chau... Titok ho what liao ; tzhang si ho what liao.
Chuukese... Kristus a manaau sefan ; A fokkun manaau sefan.
Cornish... Thew Creest dassorez ; en weer thewa dassorez.
Corsican... Hè rinvivitu u Cristu ; in veru, hè rinvivitu.
Cree... Christ waniskow ; tapway waniskow.
Croatian... Krist je uskrsnuo ; zaista je uskrsnuo.
Czech... Vstal z mrtvy^ch Kristus ; V pravdê vstal z mrtvy^ch.
Danish... Kristus er Opstanden; I sandhed Opstanden
Dida... Christ ô gônon kouoné ; nouawréssa ô gônon kouoné.
Didinga... Uruga Kristo ; uruga nee didi.
Dinka... Kritho aci rot jot ; ee yic yen aci rot jot.
Diola... Mallégnen Yésu na itoé ; di kaket mon.
Duala... Yésu apumbo ; nambale, nambale apumbo.
Dutch... Christus is opgestaan ; hij is waarlijk opgestaan.
Dyula... Christ bôra saya la ; tchian-nan a bôra saya la.
Ebriey... Christ tchan kounon min fé ; mimibrin in tchankou non min fé.
English... Christ is risen ; indeed he is risen.
Esperanto... Kristo levigîs ; vere levigîs.
Estonian... Kristus on üles tõusnud ; tõesti on üles tõusnud.
Eton... Yésus Nkoré a ti womo ; bebela emen na ati womo.
Ewe... Christo fo ; nyat f efo .
Ewondo...Yésus Nkoré a wômiya ; bebele émen na'a womiya.
Fang... Yesus a ve womo ; ating bebela na a ve womo.
Fanti... Kristo asor ; ampa w'asor.
Faroese... Kristus er risin upp ; ja sanniliga risin upp.
Farsi... Issah Ghi-yam kard ; dar vagheh ou barkhasteh ast.
Fijian... Sa tucake tale na Karisito ; e dina e sa tucake tale ko koya.
Finnish... Kristus nousi kuolleista ; totisesti nousi.
Flemmish... Christus is verrezen ; hij is waarlijk verrezen.
Fongbe... Christu fon sin yo mê ; nugbo nugbo Efon sin yomê.
French... Le Christ est ressuscité ; en vérité, il est ressuscité.
Frisian... Christus is opstjien ; Wis is er opstjien.
Fulah... Almasiihu ummitake ; goonga fuu o ummitake.
Ga... Jessou eteché ; eteché lélé.
Gallegan... Cristo resucitou ; de verdade resucitou.
Gambay... Christ ndel dohuyote ; togroh ia ndel dohuyote.
Gangte... Christe chih atho kita ; ahi athou kitngeihi.
Gascon... Crist ei arressuscitat ; en vertat qu'ei arressuscitat.
Geez... Kerestos tenseamoutan ; aman baaman.
Georgian... Kristé ardsga ; tchechmaritad ardsga.
German... Christus ist auferstanden ; er ist wahrhaftig auferstanden.
Gothic... Xristus urrais ; amen urrais.
Gourmantche... U tienu biga fuori ; muamuani ofuori madi.
Greek... Christos anesti ; aléthos anesti.
Guarani... Kristo Ñanoejára oikove jevy ; añetete, oikove jevy.
Guengbe... Kristo fon so kuodé ; gaaho E fon so kuodé.
Gujrati... Isaa uthi gaya chhay ; haan, saacho saach, uthi gaya chhay.
Haitian... Creole Jezikri leve ; anverite Li leve.
Hausa... Anabi Issa yatashi ; ghestia yatashi.
Haryanvi... Isaa jee utheya sai ; haan bah-yee vo sach mein jee utheya sai.
Hawaiian... Ua ala hou o Kristo ; ua ala i o no oia.
Hebrew... Ha-Masiah qom ; be-emet qom.
Hindi... Massih jee uthha- hai ; va-stav me? vo jee uthha- hai.
Houailou... Na mörû të na Keriso ; avâri, na mörû të.
Hungarian... Krisztus feltàmadott ; valóban feltàmadott.
Icelandic... Kristur er upprisinn ; hann er sannarlega upprisinn.
Igbo ...Jesu Kristi ebilitego ; ezia O' bilitego.
Indonesian... Kristus sudah bangkit ; dia benar sudah bangkit.
Innu... Khristush apitshipaitishu ; tapue apitshipaitishu.
Inuktitut... Chruistusi makisimavuq ; aamilaak makisimavuq.
Irish Gaelic... Tá Criost éirithe ; go deimhin tá sé éirithe.
Italian... Cristo è risuscitato ; in verità è risuscitato.
Japanese... Harisutosu hukkatsu ; jitsu ni hukkatsu.
Javanese...Gusti wis wungu ; Gusti nyata yen wis wungu.
Kanjobal... Mayal ictzoj aj cham ; wal yel max ictzoj aj cham.
Karo... Ia enggo ipekeke ; tuhu-tuhu Tuhan enggo nggeluh mulihken.
Kashmiri... Issa a'aw ; ye'en, hakiqatan, ch'ue su'e aaw'mu't.
Kazakh... Khristos terildi ; shyndap terildi.
Khmer... Preah Christ mean preah choan rous leong vinh ; trung mean preah choan rous leong vinh men.
Kikongo... Kristu me futumuka ; ya mukieleka yandi me futumuka.
Kikuyu... Njisu ni ariuki~ti ; i~i niariuki~ti.
Kiluba... Kristu mubika ; bushuwa Kristu mubika.
Kimbundu... Kristu ua fukunuka ; kidi muene ua fukunuka.
Kinyarwanda... Kristu yazutse ; mibyo yazutse.
Kirghiz... Khristos kaira tirildi ; chyndap tirildi.
Kitende... Nkulu oyisiki ; nde oyisiki solo.
Klingon... yinqa' HrIyStoS ; yinqa'bej.
Korean... Cristo puhar hasida ; dij tchamuro puhar hasida.
Kpelle... Korai aa mu su Saa-yeei ; toya ma, E mu su Saa-yeei.
Kurdish... Îsa xwe nav mirya rabe ; erê, raste ew rabe.
Ladino... Se levantó el Sinyor ; en verdad se levantó.
Lango... Kristo ocer ; ateni Kristo ocer.
Lao... Pha Kristo Chao kap-pen khune ma thè ching ; phatong kap pen khune ma.
Latin... Christus resurrectus est ; vere resurrectus est.
Latvian... Kristus (ir) augša-mce-lies ; patiesi vin,š ir augša-mce-lies.
Lifou... Ame Keriso ke mele hmaca ha nyidrë ; nge celë hi la nyipichi.
Lingala... Kristu asekwi ; ya solo asekwi.
Lisu... Yesu nya chi ; chi say yelawa.
Lithuanian... Kristus prisikélè ; iš tikru~ju; prisikélè.
Lotuko... Jbuhu Yesu tho ye ; jbuhu inyi tho ye ahode.
Lozi... Yesu uzuhile ; uzuhile luli.
Luganda... Kristo azukkide ; amazim azukkide.
Lugbara... Kristo angara ; adaru Kristo angara.
Luo... Kristus ochier ; eee ochier.
Luxembourgish... Christus ass operstan ; jo, et ass wouer, En ass operstan.
Macedonian... Hristos voskresna ; navistina voskresna.
Madi... Kristo onjira ; o ani onjira.
Makasar... Nasaba' attallasa poleammi ; manussa attallasa' poleammi Batara.
Malagasy... Kristy dia nitsangana tamin'ny maty ; eny efa nitsangana marina tokoa Izy.
Malay... Kristus telah bangkit; benar Dia telah bangkit
Malayalam... Massiha uyirthu ezhunettu ; sathyamayum avan uyirthu ezhunettu.
Mandar... Krista winisa ; tiana a winisa.
Mandarin... Jidu fuhuo liao ; zhende, ta fuhuo liao.
Manipuri... Christa hougat le ; chume ma hougat le.
Maori... Kua ara a te Karaiti ; He pono tonu, kua ara a Ia.
Marathi... Crist udayala ala ahe ; ho, nishtchitach to udayala ala ahe.
Marshallese... Christ e jerkakbije ; aet, e jerkakbije.
Masai... Etopiuo Christ ; Ee-taa etopiuo.
Mayan... Ix pitzvixi Jesus da scal eb chamnac ; valyel ix pitzvixi viñ.
Micmac... Sesu's mnu'nst ; na teliaq mnu'nst.
Mizo... Isua chuo tho tawh ; a tho tak tak tawh ani.
Moba... Christo yiete kpeme sigue nin ; moni po u yiete kpeme sigue nin.
Mohawk... Kristos sotonnheton ; oriwiio tsi sotonnheton.
Mongolian... Christ bol shaltgaan ; ter bol etcesiin unen shaltgaan.
Moru... Yesu efo te ; Yesu efo te en daro.
Mossi... Christ vuuga mè ; sid sida, Christ vuuga minga.
Naga...Hkristo kuex woc tuaq ngoc ; hrle yuingx waungz tueq.
Nahuatl... Cristo mozcalitzino ; ca ye nelli mozcalitzino.
Navaho... Christ daaztsáádéé' náádiidzáá ; 'ááníí, daaztsáádéé' náádidzáá.
Nepali... Isu masiah byujhinuvayo ; bastabma sachikai uha byujhinuvayo.
Newarii... Khrista mwaana wogu du ; dhaathen waiku mwaana wogu du.
Noer... Christo chero jiege lith ; chero jiege lith epuece.
Norwegian... Khristus er oppstanden; Han er sanneleg oppstanden.
Nsenga.. Yesu wauka ; wauka chendi chendi.
Nyanja... Ambuye Jesu anauka ; anauka ndithu.
Nzima... Christ idwazo ; anbanoko idwazo.
Oromo... Ouaguem ka'erra ; dugadhumman ka'erra.
Ossetic... Tcheureuchti raïgah chiche ; tcheureuchti ma com den bar feleude.
Paiteh... Jesu tuh a thokik a ; athokik lak tak mah ah.
Palauan... Kristus a mla mekiis ; ng meral mla mekiis.
Panjabi... Issa jee utheya hai ; haan sachmuch o jee utheya hai.
Pilipino... Si Kristo ay nabuhay ; totoo ngang nabuhay.
Pingelapese... Kreis ketin Isadar ; oh ketin kalowehdier.
Polish... Chrystus zmartwychwstal ; prawdziwie zmartwychwstal.
Portuguese... Cristo ressuscitou ; em verdade ressuscitou.
Provençal... Lo Crist es ressuscitat ; en veritat es ressuscitat.
Pushto... Essa ra zhwanday shaway dey ; bey shaka che zhwandey shaway dey.
Quechua... Kristu kawsarirusqa ; cheqaptapuni kawsarirusqa.
Quenyan... Ortanne Laivino ; Anwa ortanne Laivino.
Raeto-Romance... Cristo es rinaschieu ; in varded, el es rinaschieu.
Rasta... Christ Aliveagen ; Ya Mon Christ Alivegen
Romanian... Hristos a-înviat ; adeva rat a-înviat.
Runyankore... Kristo azokire ; namazima azokire.
Russian... Cristos voskresse ; voiss-it-senou voskresse
Rutooro... Kristo ahumbukire ; mazima ahumbukire.
Saidic... Pchristos aftoounp ; alethos aftoounp.
Samoan... Ua toe tu le Keriso ; ioe ua toe tu Keriso.
Sango... Yingo-voulou azingô-na-kwa ; na-ta-tene-lô zingô-na-kwa.
Sanskrit... Kristo upastitaha ; satvam upastitaha.
Scottish... Gaelic Tha Criosd air èiridh ; gu dearbh, tha e air èiridh.
Sepedi... Kriste o tsogile ; ka nnete o tsogile.
Serbian... Hristos váskrse ; vaïstinu váskrse.
Serer... Krista khontokha ; ndiguilo a khontokha.
Sesotho... Kriste o tsohile ; ha mannete o tsohile.
Shuluk... Jesus A thuthmal Ki ethou ; A thuthmal ki ethou char.
Sindhi... Issa Jo Zuhoor theo Ahe ; beshak hu Zuhoor theo Ahe.
Singhalese... Kristhus vahanse uttanavu seka ; sabavinma unvahanse uttanavu seka.
Siswati... Khristu uvukile ; ngempela uvukile.
Slavonic... Hristos vosskresse ; vo iss-ti-nou vosskresse.
Slovak... Pan Kristus vstal z mrtvych ; skutoc^ne vstal z mrtvych.
Slovenian... Kristus jevstal ; res jevstal.
Somali... Ciise wuu soo daalacey ; runtii wuu soo daalacey.
Songhai... Almasihu tun ; cimi no a tun.
Sundanese... Gusti geus tanghi ; Gusti teh enya geus tanghi.
Spanish... Christo ha resucitado ; en verdad ha resucitado.
Swahil...i Kristu amefufuka ; kweli amefufuka.
Swedish... Kristus är uppstånden ; ja han är sannerligen uppstånden.
Syriac... Mshiho qom ; shariroyth qom.
Tajik... Isa-Masih do bâre zende-shod ; dar rogheh-zende-shod.
Tahitian... Ua ti'afa'ahou te Kirito ; oia mau â, ua ti'afa'ahou 'oia.
Taiwanese... Ya-So Deng Laï Lô ; I ka'-sit Go Deng Laï Lô.
Tamil... Kirsthu ujirthu elunthar ; unmaiyagave ujirthu elunthar.
Telugu... Yesu elisedu ; nizamgane elisedu.
Thai... Pha Kristo Tiao klap pen kune m lèo ; ting ting phra tong klap pén kune ma.
Tibetan... Yeshu kyarsön chesong ; lakso chesong.
Tigre... Eyesus ten-si-ou ; ba-ha-ke ten-si-ou.
Tlingit... Krisdos Kux wudigut ; Xei gax kux wudigut.
Toba... Nunga di pahehe Ibana ; Naung tutu do dipahehe Tuhan I.
Tongo... Yesu wabuka ; wabuka chobeni.
Tsonga... Kreste ù pfukile ; yi pfukile e ku feni.
Tswana... Keresete o tsogile ; ammaaruri o tsogile.
Turkish... Mesih dirildi ; gerçekten dirildi.
Twi... Kristo as re ; ampa, w'as re.
Ugandan... Kristo ajukkide ; kweli ajukkide.
Uighur... Eysa tirildi ; shundak, Eysa tirildi.
Ukrainian... Hristos vosskress ; vo iss-tinou vosskress.
Urdu... Issa Masiha zinda ho gaya hai ; haan yakeenan, wo zinda ho gaya hai.
Uzbek... Masih tirildi ; haqiqatan tirildi.
Vietnamese... Chúa ki-tô ã phuc sinh ; qua thât ngài ã phuc sinh.
Vulcan... O Christos nasha ; ew'nasCUha.
Welsh... Atgyfododd Crist ; atgyfododd yn wir.
Wolof... Krista dékina ; dgue dgue dékina.
Xhosa... uKrestu uvukile ; ngenene uvukile.
Yacouba... Christ ya go gaï ; nguia man ya go gaï.
Yiddish... Meshia iz ufgeshtanen ; er iz wirklich ufgeshtanen.
Yoruba... Jesu jinde ; nitoto, O jinde.
Yupiq... Kris-Tuu-ssaaq Ung Wix-tuq ; I-Luu-men Ung-Wix-tuq.
Zande... Yesu azingi be kpio ; ne rego.
Zulu... Ukristu uvukile ; yebo uvukile.
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