The Holy Royal Martyrs Of Russia
Nothing this-worldly be it human language or written text is capable of describing the beauty that is wrapped up in the martyrdom of The Holy Royal Martyrs Of Russia. Nothing is more pleasing to God than to reveal Himself to the world through suffering. And of a truth the Royal Martyrs have emulated the Saviour in their suffering for others.
However, it is the glory of the Heavenly Court that really, in a mystical sense, shows forth the beauty of these Holy Imperial Intercessors. In many a vision has the Emperor been shown as seated beside Our Savior surrounded by multitudes of angels. But it is their intercession for the whole world, for every kindred and tribe, that the greatness of these saints is realized in our hearts, and in our souls.
Oh Imperial Intercessors before and under the Throne of the Lord God Most High, remember us who have become useless servants who focus our attention on the things of this world ... to that which we have been taught is temporal and is passing away. Oh Emperor chosen by God - Holy Tsar Saint Nicholas II with your suffering Queen Tsaritsa Saint Alexandra along with the suffering heir to the Throne which God gave thee through Saint Seraphim ... the Tsaravitch Saint Alexis and with his sisters in the flesh the Grand Duchesses, Saint Olga, Saint Tatiana, Saint Maria and Saint Anastasia ... pray for us for we know not what to pray for. Our minds are turned earthward. We the earth-born and earth-bound, held as by the chains of our own sins and earthly pursuits implore you. By your prayers both for us and with us ask God to show us how close is our death and the death of our loved ones. This being done may we all give glory, thanksgiving and praise to the Father who is without beginning along with His timelessly and eternally only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and with Thy Most Holy Spirit Eternally and ever proceeding from The Father, the one God in Three Persons known in The Holy Trinity. Oh our God ... glory be to Thee. Amen.
However, it is the glory of the Heavenly Court that really, in a mystical sense, shows forth the beauty of these Holy Imperial Intercessors. In many a vision has the Emperor been shown as seated beside Our Savior surrounded by multitudes of angels. But it is their intercession for the whole world, for every kindred and tribe, that the greatness of these saints is realized in our hearts, and in our souls.
Oh Imperial Intercessors before and under the Throne of the Lord God Most High, remember us who have become useless servants who focus our attention on the things of this world ... to that which we have been taught is temporal and is passing away. Oh Emperor chosen by God - Holy Tsar Saint Nicholas II with your suffering Queen Tsaritsa Saint Alexandra along with the suffering heir to the Throne which God gave thee through Saint Seraphim ... the Tsaravitch Saint Alexis and with his sisters in the flesh the Grand Duchesses, Saint Olga, Saint Tatiana, Saint Maria and Saint Anastasia ... pray for us for we know not what to pray for. Our minds are turned earthward. We the earth-born and earth-bound, held as by the chains of our own sins and earthly pursuits implore you. By your prayers both for us and with us ask God to show us how close is our death and the death of our loved ones. This being done may we all give glory, thanksgiving and praise to the Father who is without beginning along with His timelessly and eternally only begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ, and with Thy Most Holy Spirit Eternally and ever proceeding from The Father, the one God in Three Persons known in The Holy Trinity. Oh our God ... glory be to Thee. Amen.