Latter Years of a Pampered Life!

My Photo
Location: Etna - 41º 26' 31.27" N 122º 54' 07.60" W [My Grid Square is CN81nk] KB7BNW@KF6ZSY Elevation: 3032 feet above sea level,, California, United States

All my life was a preparation to the pinnacle of my being, meeting and knowing Father Seraphim. Everything in my life led to this. Since his death I can find no peace of heart unless everything in my life is in some way an awareness of the reality that I am living the rest of my life the way I am, because I met and knew Father Seraphim.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Ongoing Attempts To Take Away OUR GUNS!

Lookie Lookie Over Here !!!


Pay No Attention To That Man Behind The Curtain !!!

It is just to Darn upsetting for me to write any thing. It makes me want to puke, and spit !

Please Watch The Video

So let us pay closer attention so we and our children wont have to say
"We have seen the enemy and he is us !"
