To all who have written to me ... Thank You!
There is, however, no way I could answer all your questions. I don't have the time or energy to do so. What I have decided to do is answer the two most frequently asked questions from you. I was only going to answer one question but when there was a second question with an equal number of inquirers I felt obligated to answer both questions. As some of you have suggested I will try to answer these questions monthly. Therefore I will attempt to re-post this everytime it goes into the archives. The two most frequently asked questions were ...
1. Is Lawrencium Latin for Lawrence?
2. Requests for a more detailed profile.
As for question number one, to put it simply - the answer is no. The Latin is lauru
s "laurel". This is taken from the Bay Laurel Tree (Laurus noblis, from the genus Laurus and family Lauraceae) a native of the Mediterranean Sea Area. This Bay Laurel is the source of the bay leaves which are used for their flavour in cooking. It was also the source of the laurel wreath of ancient Greece and therefore the expression of "resting on one's laurels". A wreath of bay laurels was given as the prize at the Pythian Games. It is also the source of the word baccalaureate (laurel berry). But what doest this have to do with me? Well, Laurus has a Roman cognomen: Laurentius, which meant "of Laurentum". Laurentum was a city in ancient Italy. Ancient Italy was the one time center of the Roman Empire. It was in this Roman Empire that on August 10, A.
D.-258 (today August 10/23) that an archdeacon of the infant Orthodox Church of Rome was roasted to death on a giant gridiron couch. This was ordered and witnessed by Valerian the prefect of Rome and the Emperor Decius. This archdeacon was named Laurentius (Greek: Lavrentios, Russian: Lavrenti, English: Lawrence. Among other things it is recorded that Archdeacon Lawrence was "Stripped naked" and laid upon the gridiron. Above red-hot coals St. Lawrence was, as the record says tortured by imperial servents who "... held the holy Lawrence down with iron spears, searing him just as they would a choice piece of meat. All those
present marvelled at the cruelty of the emperor in roasting a man alive. But St. Lawrence's face shone bright with radiance, and he said: "I thank Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, that Thou hast given me the strength!" And lifting his eyes to Decius and Valerian, he said, "Assum est, versa et manduca." ("I am roasted enough on this side; turn me round, and eat"). Then glorifying God he said: "I thank Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, that Thou hast vouchsafed me to enter Thy gates!" With these words he surrendered his spirit."
But still yet this is not why this blog is named "fatherlawrencium" even though St. Lawrence does have something to do with it. Yes ... my name is Father Lawrence. There is also an Ernest Lawrence. He made a gadget called the Cyclotron. Sounds like a ride at the amusment park. It might be something from Star Trek. The full name for it is the Cyclotron Particle Accelerator, in which sub-atomic particles are sent round and round in a circle at ever increasing speeds until they have enough energy to smash into an atom, thereby creating a new atom. That's just what the Geeks in the below picture did. They created a new atom that had never existed before. They used the Cyclotron Particle Accelerator that was invinted by Ernest Lawrence to do this and they named this element after him, thus:
Since the Cyclotron that first made Lawrencium spins atoms around in circles faster and faster and faster the Periodic Element Image looks like this:
There is, however, no way I could answer all your questions. I don't have the time or energy to do so. What I have decided to do is answer the two most frequently asked questions from you. I was only going to answer one question but when there was a second question with an equal number of inquirers I felt obligated to answer both questions. As some of you have suggested I will try to answer these questions monthly. Therefore I will attempt to re-post this everytime it goes into the archives. The two most frequently asked questions were ...
1. Is Lawrencium Latin for Lawrence?
2. Requests for a more detailed profile.
As for question number one, to put it simply - the answer is no. The Latin is lauru

But still yet this is not why this blog is named "fatherlawrencium" even though St. Lawrence does have something to do with it. Yes ... my name is Father Lawrence. There is also an Ernest Lawrence. He made a gadget called the Cyclotron. Sounds like a ride at the amusment park. It might be something from Star Trek. The full name for it is the Cyclotron Particle Accelerator, in which sub-atomic particles are sent round and round in a circle at ever increasing speeds until they have enough energy to smash into an atom, thereby creating a new atom. That's just what the Geeks in the below picture did. They created a new atom that had never existed before. They used the Cyclotron Particle Accelerator that was invinted by Ernest Lawrence to do this and they named this element after him, thus:

Sorry to Father Paisius DeLucia
This is just the reality of how the Periodic Element Image is!

Are these boys Amateur Radio Operators? In any event they have a good start on a Ham Shack there.
So now you know that this Blog is named after the element Lawrencium.
It's Lawrence, I'm Lawrence, He's Lawrence. Lawrence to the Third Power?!?
My little handheld electronic Merriam-Webster's Dictionary Describes Lawrencium in the following manner:
"A short-lived radioactive element." That's me! I am and will be short-lived. And I am in a day after day process of becoming more and more Radio Active. That's my element! It's elementery!! I'm in my element!!!
Ol' Father Lawrence KB7BNW the Priest-Monk at the Blessed Seraphim Hermitage KF6ZSY Station.
And so, soon I will be so active on the Radio that people will be glad that I was short lived!
So if you are ever asked if you know of "A Shortwaved ,!er - um ... Short Lived Radio Active Radio Amateur, -um... I mean Amateur Radio Operator who is active on the Radio and who will not live to very much longer" say YES ! and ask them if they are talking about me. I am "A short-lived radioactive element"
KB7BNW@KF6ZSY Ol' Father Lawrence, Lawrencium, Lavrenti, Lavrentios, Laurentius, Laurus or...Lawre!
But there's more.
fatherlawrencium could be the name of a photography Blog. Yes! And it was suppose to be so. That is, until I got my communication starved grubby little phalanges on the keyboard. fatherlawrencium Get it? It could be spelled as Father-Lawrence-Sees-Them. And, as I Sees them Soze I Publish Um. And, when you think about it, you can surely say that Photography is the best method man has to capture a point in history. Therefore, lettuce recapitulate. I'm A Short-Lived, Radio Active Element. Not so very different from being called a Carbon-Based Unit. Except, there is no Vger here. The next major voyage I take will probably be without my body. Amen.
NEXT QUESTION: A more detailed profile. Muse, Muse, Muse?
A more detailed profile. Well, I'm not giving out my telephone number if that is what you are asking for. Got it?
None the less I suppose since all things on the grid are tied together I could paste below what is written here:
Basically this is what is written in my profile at Since it refers to this Blog, this Blog will refer to it. The same goes for my channel at You Tube. It has a specific URL and I will give you that URL here :
And let me be the first in line to tell you that FatherLawrence does not see 20/20. Yep! His eyes are a little off.

So what are these boys doing?
Updating the periodic table, Albert Ghiorso inscribes Lawrencium in space 103; codiscoverers (L. to R.) Robert Latimer, Dr. Torbjorn Sikkeland, and Almon Larsh look on approvingly.Gloating!
Are these boys Amateur Radio Operators? In any event they have a good start on a Ham Shack there.
So now you know that this Blog is named after the element Lawrencium.
But Why?
It's because I'm Father Lawrence, the person who invented the Cyclotron is none other than Ernest Lawrence and these boys here made the element at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Berkeley, California. What's the Big Deal?It's Lawrence, I'm Lawrence, He's Lawrence. Lawrence to the Third Power?!?
My little handheld electronic Merriam-Webster's Dictionary Describes Lawrencium in the following manner:
"A short-lived radioactive element." That's me! I am and will be short-lived. And I am in a day after day process of becoming more and more Radio Active. That's my element! It's elementery!! I'm in my element!!!
Ol' Father Lawrence KB7BNW the Priest-Monk at the Blessed Seraphim Hermitage KF6ZSY Station.
And so, soon I will be so active on the Radio that people will be glad that I was short lived!
So if you are ever asked if you know of "A Shortwaved ,!er - um ... Short Lived Radio Active Radio Amateur, -um... I mean Amateur Radio Operator who is active on the Radio and who will not live to very much longer" say YES ! and ask them if they are talking about me. I am "A short-lived radioactive element"
KB7BNW@KF6ZSY Ol' Father Lawrence, Lawrencium, Lavrenti, Lavrentios, Laurentius, Laurus or...Lawre!
But there's more.
fatherlawrencium could be the name of a photography Blog. Yes! And it was suppose to be so. That is, until I got my communication starved grubby little phalanges on the keyboard. fatherlawrencium Get it? It could be spelled as Father-Lawrence-Sees-Them. And, as I Sees them Soze I Publish Um. And, when you think about it, you can surely say that Photography is the best method man has to capture a point in history. Therefore, lettuce recapitulate. I'm A Short-Lived, Radio Active Element. Not so very different from being called a Carbon-Based Unit. Except, there is no Vger here. The next major voyage I take will probably be without my body. Amen.
NEXT QUESTION: A more detailed profile. Muse, Muse, Muse?
A more detailed profile. Well, I'm not giving out my telephone number if that is what you are asking for. Got it?
None the less I suppose since all things on the grid are tied together I could paste below what is written here:
Basically this is what is written in my profile at Since it refers to this Blog, this Blog will refer to it. The same goes for my channel at You Tube. It has a specific URL and I will give you that URL here :
And let me be the first in line to tell you that FatherLawrence does not see 20/20. Yep! His eyes are a little off.
You can't expect anything "original" as in "innovating". The reason for this is because I'm not lying to you. Anything in a profile that's different or innovative would indicate that there was some lying going on somewhere.!
Tom Schobert, who left this life a Baptized Orthodox Christian, having eaten of the Flesh and Blood of God taught me the truth of this troparion from Song 8 of the CANON OF REPENTANCE To Our Lord Jesus Christ. I find it profound. Dead Human Bodies make us True Philosophers.
"How can I not weep when I think of death? For I have seen my brother lying in his coffin, inglorious and hideous. What then, do I expect? And what do I hope for? Only grant me, O Lord, repentance before my end."
And now that I see my body falling apart before my very eyes I know that in my heart of hearts, whither I seem to be trying or not, all I want is for God to give me true and full repentance and a good death.
Truly, life is short and now I know that, as already stated at the beginning of this Blog,:
"...all my life was a preparation to the pinnacle of my being, meeting and knowing Father Seraphim. Everything in my life led to this. Since his death I can find no peace of heart unless everything in my life is in some way an awareness of the reality that I am living the rest of my life the way I am, because I met and knew Father Seraphim."
When I was 14 years old Bill Durney told me "Life is a 'Bitch' and it will get
you any way it can!"
I've found that to be true.
you any way it can!"
I've found that to be true.
When I was 18 Kevin Shelby told me "Some day your shenanigans are going to catch
up with you."
Boy was he correct.
up with you."
Boy was he correct.
When I was 28 Father Seraphim and Father Herman told me " are a complete "zera"
That I am.
That I am.
When I was 29 my Dad told me "Son, pretty soon you be noticin' they are makin' 6 month years. Life is short, very very short."
I thought he was just an old man talking.
I thought he was just an old man talking.
When I was 31 my son Alexis told me "Grandpa's in the box and Grandpa went to the
He was more than correct.
He was more than correct.
I have been told over the last 26 years by St. Andrew of Crete "My years have vanished like a dream on waking."
(St. Andrew's "GREAT CANON" Thursday, 1st Week of Great Fast, Song 7, Troparion 1)
Behold ... I am closer to my end than I am to my beginning.
It's so true.
(St. Andrew's "GREAT CANON" Thursday, 1st Week of Great Fast, Song 7, Troparion 1)
Behold ... I am closer to my end than I am to my beginning.
It's so true.
"How can I not weep when I think of death? For I have seen my brother lying in his coffin, inglorious and hideous. What then, do I expect? And what do I hope for? Only grant me, O Lord, repentance before my end."
And now that I see my body falling apart before my very eyes I know that in my heart of hearts, whither I seem to be trying or not, all I want is for God to give me true and full repentance and a good death.
Truly, life is short and now I know that, as already stated at the beginning of this Blog,:
"...all my life was a preparation to the pinnacle of my being, meeting and knowing Father Seraphim. Everything in my life led to this. Since his death I can find no peace of heart unless everything in my life is in some way an awareness of the reality that I am living the rest of my life the way I am, because I met and knew Father Seraphim."
And now Alexis, I see the BIG HOLE coming so quickly, ever so quickly Now I know that life is all about death.
And here it comes. Yeah, here it comes. Graphic Courtesy of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia
More Profile Information
You Asked For It!
More Profile Information
You Asked For It!
Interests & Hobbies:
Going to Heaven. I'm Very, Very Interested In Going To Heaven!
If any person really thinks about the alternative, they would be interested in going to heaven too!
If any person really thinks about the alternative, they would be interested in going to heaven too!
What more can I say about this?
It's what this life is all about.
My Children...
Alexis Lavrentivitch Ignatius Eldred
Alexis' fiance' Elizabeth Victoria
Alexis' fiance' Elizabeth Victoria
Seraphima Lavrentievna Eugenia Irene
Seraphima's unborn child (my grandchild)
Seraphima's unborn child (my grandchild)
Shaunna Lavrentievna Ioanna Maxima Marie
Alexandra Lavrentievna Xenia Francis
Amateur Radio.
KB7BNW - Personal callsign
KF6ZSY - Blessed Seraphim Hermitage Station
E.M.E. (Moonbounce)
Amateur Satellites
Rag Chewing
Wholly Rollers (Pigeons, that is)
Birmingham Rollers
Parlor Rollers
Favorite Movies & TV Shows
Only TV - I Can't Afford Movies
Only TV - I Can't Afford Movies
BBaattttlleessttaarr GGaallaaccttiiccaa!
Did I mention Battlestar Galactica?
Prison Break
The News, The True News that is.
Favorite Music
There is no bad Music.
Some is just better than Others.
Orthodox Church Chant Is the Purist Form Of Music
There is no bad Music.
Some is just better than Others.
Orthodox Church Chant Is the Purist Form Of Music
Russian Orthodox Chant
Greek Orthodox Chant
Nigel Kennedy
Jimi Hendrix
West African Music
North African Music
Diana Krall
Tony Bennett
Nate King Cole
Natacha Atlas
Bob Dylan
Sherly Crow
Tracy Chapman
Bob Marley
Give me any Violin Concerto. I love concerti.
Give me any Violin Concerto. I love concerti.
Need I go on?
Music-God-Soul-Truth-CHRIST- GOD.
My Hope Is The Father,
My Refuge Is The Son,
My Shelter Is The Holy Spirit.
Oh Holy Trinity Glory To Thee!
My Hope Is The Father,
My Refuge Is The Son,
My Shelter Is The Holy Spirit.
Oh Holy Trinity Glory To Thee!
Jesus Christ is at the same time Fully God and Fully Man.
Jesus Christ is GOD! How can we not sing?
Favorite Books:
The Christian Holy Scriptures
The Christian Holy Scriptures
The Soul After Death
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future
Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works
The Sin of Adam
The Philokalia
Archie and the Strict Baptists
The Vicar of Nibbleswicke
And much, much more.
And with this much information you will have to be content. If you want to know something else you can go to the website at I'm always happy to get snail mail or you can always email me. But you are not getting my telephone number. Nobody gets it! I am not even sure that I know it.
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